Patient Services
General Information
We see and have experience treating patients of all ages from 6 months to over 100 years old
At Virginia Neuro-Optometry, we aim to co-manage patients in a multi-disciplinary approach to patient care. Our goal is to provide diagnostic insight and rehabilitative/adaptive treatments for patients with double vision as well as atypical visual complaints due to development, brain injury, stroke, and neurological disease.
Patients travel from all over the country to see Dr Theis - please contact our office if you need local housing/hotel recommendations.
If you are interested in worker's compensation qualified and/or medico-legal independent clinical examinations please contact our office.
For more information or contact us via phone 804-387-2902 or email us at info@virginianeurooptometry.com if you have any questions
Most Common Visual Complaints we See
Double vision
Blurry vision - intermittent/atypical that is not alleviated with updated contacts/glasses
Reading difficulties - words move on the page, skipping words while reading, losing place while reading
Dizziness/nausea/headaches/fatigue provoked by visual tasks (ex: scrolling on the computer, traveling in the car, watching television, reading)
Visual field loss - Homonymous/neurologic visual field loss
Light sensitivity
Glare sensitivity
Reduced vision in certain lighting conditions
Image size difference (aniseikonia)
Amblyopia/lazy eye
Visual processing disorders
Visual Snow
Most Common Conditions we See
Post-concussion photophobia and oculomotor dysfunction
Moderate/severe traumatic brain injury
Developmental and acquired visual processing deficits
Cortical visual impairment (CVI)​
Posterior cortical atrophy
Diplopia (double vision)
Oculomotor dysfunction - convergence insufficiency/spasm, accommodative disorders
Strabismus​ - congenital and acquired phoria/tropia
Restrictive thyroid eye disease
Retinal/macular-induced aniseikonia/diplopia
Incomitant diplopia due to peripheral cranial nerve III, IV, and VI palsies or brainstem/midbrain origin
Multiple sclerosis
Myasthenia gravis
Parkinson's disease
Progressive supranuclear palsy
Pediatric Amblyopia and Strabismus
Pediatric Oculomotor Reading Difficulties
Optical null point movement for nystagmus​
Portable/trial frame refractions and ocular health examinations for patients who may be unable to participate in traditional optometric/ophthalmologic examinations due to physical disabilities or mobility restrictions